The regular pulse of music which may be dictated by the rise or fall of the hand or baton of the conductor, by a metronome, or by the accents in music. See conducting patterns.A throbbing that is heard when two tones are slightly out of tune. The English term for mordent, an embellishment consisting of the principal note and the note below it, resembling a short trill.The steady pulse of music. Beats form the basis of sense of musical time.(1) the pronounced rhythm of music; (2) one single stroke of a rhythmic accent.The beat or pulse in a piece of music is the regular rhythmic pattern of the music. Each bar should start with a strong beat and each bar should end with a weak beat. These may be known as the down-beat (strong, at the beginning of a bar) and the up-beat (weak, at the end of a bar). Up and down describe the gestures of a conductor, whose preparatory up-beat is of even greater importance to players than his down-beat.<br><br>The steady pulse of music. Beats form the basis of sense of musical time<br><br> 1) The steady even pulse in music. 2) The action of two sounds or audio signals mixing together and causing regular rises &.falls in volume.