

The specific quality of a sound that makes it a recognizable tone. Pitch defines the location of a tone in relation to others, thus giving it a sense of being high or low. the relative heigth or depth of a sound. Pitches are changed by adjusting the frequency of vibrations. Though modern pitch is standardized (with A=440), medieval pitch was not, and an entire piece could be moved higher or lower at will. The pitch of a note is the frequency of its vibrations. the exact pitch of notes has varied over the years and nowadays differs to some extent between continent and continent or even between orchestra and orchestra. Earlier pitches were generally lower, but not necessarily standardized. perfect pitch is the ability to distinguish the pitch of a note, according to generally accepted nomenclature. Relative pitch is the ability to distinguish the pitch of one note with relation to another, given note<br><br>The perceived auditory sensation of sounds expressed in terms of high or low frequency stimulus of the sound.<br><br>1) The perception of frequency by the ear (a higher or lower quality of music). 2) A control on a tape transport which adjusts the speed slightly up or down, changing the pitch and time of the music. 3) The spacing of the grooves in a phonograph record.